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Android 3.2 Heading for Motorola Xoom 3G

Written By AbhiShek Kap!L on Sunday, 7 August 2011 | 05:19

After the recent Android 3.1 update for the Wi-Fi version of the Xoom in India, it’s the 3G version’s turn. The Wi-Fi version has already received the 3.2 update in the West a while back, and now Verizon has posted details about the 3G version getting the update. The ‘soak test’ completed a few daysago, so we should be expecting the update to roll out any time now. There’s no official word on when this update will be hitting our shores yet, but we expect it to arrive soon.
Motorol's Android-based Tablet
3.2 update rolling out soon for the 3G version

Android 3.2 is the next incremental update to Honeycomb that brings with it a host of new features, as well as some much needed performance optimizations. Some of the major changes include ‘Media Sync from SD card’ that now lets apps directly access media from the SD card slot, if the tablet has one. The next one is ‘Compatibility zoom for fixed size apps’, which adds a new menu icon in the system bar for apps that are not designed for a larger screen. Finally, we have a bunch of general optimizations done for a wide range of tablets of different sizes. Google has also added some new APIs for developers to manage their apps better across different screen sizes. For the full change log, hit this link here.
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