The Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta that was previously limited to PlayStation Plus users and inFamous 2 owners has now been made public. This means anyone who has a PSN account can download this beta and play it till the 14th of July 2011. No need to hunt for an invite anymore The beta offers players a multitude of game modes such as Team Deathmatch, Free for All, Team Objective, Hardcore and Co-op Hunter. As of now players have access to just two maps – Airstrip and Chateau but a new one called Yemen will be added in by the 10th of this month. Besides this there are a bunch of goodies waiting for you in the final version if you manage to play through the beta such as:
Uncharted 3 MP Beta Now Available to All
Written By AbhiShek Kap!L on Wednesday, 6 July 2011 | 18:16
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