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LG Accused of Selling Defective Optimus 2X (G2X) Handsets

Written By AbhiShek Kap!L on Thursday, 21 July 2011 | 21:27

Popular consumer electronics brand, LG has an impending court trial in the U.S District Court for Southern District of California in the wake of large scale defects being spotted on the T-Mobile’s version of Optimus 2X (G2X). Being sued at the Californian court, LG’s smartphones were found to randomly freeze, or shut down causing a lot of inconvenience to the users. These defects, the complaint stated occurred even when a call was on. If that was not enough, then the screen’s poor display qualities were exposed too making watching videos a hellish experience. As per the consumer complaints, the smartphone’s back light bled into the screen, thereby exposing its faults. The errors have been spotted on the T-Mobiles USA version of the prestigious Optimus 2X for a cool $250.

Shockingly so, according to reports, these issues haven’t cropped up in a day. They have been around since the very beginning and LG too is aware of it, only that instead of addressing the issue, they chose to ignore it. Now, although a complaint has been filed solely under Terry Horvarth, it voices the displeasures of several other irate consumers. The complaint is a detailed account of Terry’s ordeal that began just days after he purchased his smartphone. Strangely, the problems persisted even after Terry got his model replaced. 

So either LG has to face a humiliating court trial or compensate the users - a number which is easily in thousands - in an out of court settlement, neither of which is going to help its image in the market.
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