Finally, all you Desire Z owners can breathe a sigh of relief as HTC will be rolling out 2.3.3 Gingerbread goodness for your handsets sometime this month. This update has been a long time coming and after its supposed June launch which was scrapped, HTC has promised the update ‘for real’ this time.
Gingy's on his way
The Desire Z is one of the few slide-out QWERTY Android devices available in the market today and was the go-to device for anyone hell bent on having a physical QWERTY keypad. We just hope it will be a global release and not phase-wise because that would mean some more waiting for us. There’s also been a significant price drop for this Android handset over the past couple of months and you can find it on Flipkart for Rs.19,549. It seems a little aged now given all the 1GHz power houses that surround it like the Nexus S, Optimus Black, Galaxy S and Desire S so buying it now does not make much sense.
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