It’s official now. Facebook 2.0 for BlackBerry smartphones and the PlayBook, has been launched today. Available for download at BlackBerry App World, the Facebook app has undergone a facelift, with a new user interface and other additions to its features, which are apparently suggestions from their customers. The new app, according to BlackBerry comes with an improved Facebook chat, which makes it an important feature to look out for, in addition to integration with BlackBerry’s own apps.
Facebook for BlackBerry
Keeping in mind their new tablet, PlayBook, BlackBerry has optimized the social networking platform for usage, especially for it making it a tablet-optimized application. BlackBerry claims that those using the Facebook app on their PlayBook tablet will be able to avail features like Facebook chat, video uploading and Facebook Places and view ‘Likes’ among others. Another interesting addition is the inclusion of Privacy control feature on status updates, wherein a user can control the number of people who can view their status updates.
Facebook for PlayBook
Other features include:
Facebook Places – where a user can share their location, and other details of their activities with their Facebook contacts. It is also possible to get direction details from Facebook Places by simply clicking on the location, which will then open onto Bing! Maps.
Facebook Events – users can view details of events like birthdays, and other notifications. It is also possible for users to RSVP.
View Likes – it is possible to view the likes the user has got on a particular post, and by clicking on their names it is also possible to get into the profiles of the users.
Facebook Places – where a user can share their location, and other details of their activities with their Facebook contacts. It is also possible to get direction details from Facebook Places by simply clicking on the location, which will then open onto Bing! Maps.
Facebook Events – users can view details of events like birthdays, and other notifications. It is also possible for users to RSVP.
View Likes – it is possible to view the likes the user has got on a particular post, and by clicking on their names it is also possible to get into the profiles of the users.
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