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Overwhelming Response Causes Google to Close Invites for Google+

Written By AbhiShek Kap!L on Thursday, 30 June 2011 | 17:06

Yesterday, Google went public with its ambitious move to launch a social tool of its own, Google+. Just as tidbits of Google’s latest venture started trickling out, every social networking enthusiast out there waited to sample it out. Some were just plain curious to see if this ‘Facebook competitor’ really had it in it to beat the ‘700 million users’ giant.
Got an invite, yet?
Got an invite, yet?

Putting it out for ‘limited trial’, entry to Google+, at least till a few hours ago, was in the hands of the first wave of adopters who were given the leeway by Google, themselves to send out invites to others. Google realized it quite later that letting the invites out, and that too, in that manner was a glaring mistake. What followed next can be anyone’s guess. Unable to contain the ‘mad rush’ that followed, Google found it best to snap the invite services. In a blog post, Vic Gundotra, Google Engineer stated, “We've shut down (the) invite mechanism for the night. Insane demand. We need to do this carefully, and in a controlled way. Thank you all for your interest!"

That’s how it remains for now. Have you got the Google+ invite?
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