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Acer Launches Happy 2 Netbook Series in India

Written By AbhiShek Kap!L on Thursday, 30 June 2011 | 17:33

Acer has launched a new netbook series in India called the Aspire One Happy 2. The new range starting from Rs.15,749, will be available shortly across the country. Acer is targeting the youth, in general with the Happy 2 series, and with good reason, too. The netbooks will come in four fruity colors with a candy gloss finish, so if you are an attention hog, then it will go well with your personality. This will certainly appeal to young girls, college kids and probably Pee-wee Herman.
Available in different flavors
Available in different flavors

But, underneath all that candy coating lies some serious horse-power. The Happy 2 is powered by an Intel N570 Atom dual core processor that powers Windows 7 Starter and Android. The netbook can dual boot between the two operating systems depending on your needs. Other features include a 10.1-inch screen, 1GB RAM, 320GB hard drive, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 3.0. It’s quite light as well weighing in at just 1.25kg. Finally, the bundled battery promises 8hrs of battery life, which is fairly good (if true) for a days worth of work.
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