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Computex 2011: ASUS Officially Announces the Padfone

Written By AbhiShek Kap!L on Tuesday, 31 May 2011 | 00:04

We told you earlier today that ASUS was likely to launch the Padfone, a tablet which would allow smartphone docking. Well, the Padfone has now officially been announced at Computex.
Best of both worlds?
Best of both worlds? Click here for more photos of the Padfone

The mockup included a 10-inch Tablet and a 4.3-inch smartphone, with display switching done dynamically. The smartphone, once docked, will be able to recharge its battery via the tablet’s, but the 3G connectivity will be restricted to one option, with the tablet using the docked smartphone’s SIM card to connect to the internet. The smartphone comes with dual-cameras and the tablet will have only a front-facing one, but will be able to use the smartphone’s as its primary rear camera. Of course, this is only a mockup, and ASUS have said they still haven’t decided on the final hardware specifications and dimensions.

Here's what ASUS had to say about the Padfone: "Innovation is at the heart of ASUS design and the new Padfone reveals exciting new possibilities for mobile computing and communication. This convergent device combines a smartphone and a tablet computer into one symbiotic gadget that allows consumers to choose the screen size that best fits their activities while seamlessly sharing data and 3G internet access."

The Padfone will run on Android Honeycomb for the Tablet and Android 2.3 Gingerbread for the Smartphone, but Ice Cream Sandwich might be part of the final retail package. The device is expected out around Christmas time this year.

Check out the rather long but enteratining video for the Padfone - 

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