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Rolls planning third Indian outlet in city

Written By AbhiShek Kap!L on Monday, 25 April 2011 | 01:21

CHANDIGARH: Rolls Royce, the car of royalty and ultimate symbol of luxury for past 102 years will soon be sold in this region of big spenders from the city itself. ''The company is looking for an outlet either in Chandigarh or somewhere in Punjab,'' Rolls Royce representative Pankaj Sharma told The Times of India here on Friday.
This is going to be just the third outlet of the luxury car manufacturer in India. Mumbai and Delhi are the other cities where Rolls Royce sells cars.
Sharma said the company was interested in having a sale point here as a large number of enquiries for these cars came from Punjab and most buyers belonged to Chandigarh, Ludhiana and Jalandhar.
The company's cars are priced between Rs 2.5 crore and Rs 8 crore. It even brought its two latest brands, Ghost and Phantom for a show at Taj hotel.
''India is one of the biggest markets for the cars as out of 1,100 cars sold by the British car maker last year, 70 were bought here. This year, the number may cross 100,'' Sharma said.
The car has been a royal style statement with heads of former principalities in Rajasthan having 100 of them collectively. The Patiala royal family had a number of them. The largest fleet was with Osho who had 101 Rolls Royce cars.
Other high-end automobile companies that have a presence here are Harley Davidson and Jaguar.
Sharma said, ''During the last couple of years, appetite for luxury has increased in Punjab.''
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