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Indian Government bans Nokia’s Push Email Services

Written By AbhiShek Kap!L on Tuesday, 19 April 2011 | 12:02

While RIM has already been negotiating with the Indian government in regards to monitoring facilities of its BlackBerry email services, the Indian authorities have now shifted their attention to the extremely popular Nokia. The Indian government has now asked the Finnish mobile phone manufacturer to help the authorities with satisfactory monitoring capabilities of its push email services for its users to take advantage of this service.
The Indian Ministry of Home Affairs has ordered telecom operators not to launch Nokia’s push email services until the company helps the authorities with monitoring facilities. This is a service from Nokia which allows users to manage multiple email accounts including clients like Rediff, Yahoo, Sify and Gmail. Reports suggest that nearly 50 percent of the E-series devices activated in the country use push email services and if the Nokia does not work out something quickly they may end up affecting a huge number of users.
While Nokia has already helped the Indian security authorities to monitor its enterprise email services by setting up servers which can be helpful to the government. Now however, this comes as an effort from the government to monitor online activities which it is currently incapable of and hence is seeking help from such companies. Nokia is not the only one, as we all know RIM has recently been in the spotlight for this issue and other companies like Microsoft, Google and Skype are already negotiating with the Indian government.

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