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Android Handsets Specification Comparison

Written By AbhiShek Kap!L on Thursday, 21 April 2011 | 17:31

The Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 30,000 price range has suddenly become very exciting because of all the new Android phones that are pouring in thick and fast. For a prospective buyer, this is both good news as well as bad news. Good news because he now has a choice; bad news because there are too many options to choose from.

Each of these phones differs from one another by one or two features. It becomes difficult to keep track of these things and even if you use a compare engine the task becomes tedious because of the sheer number. So we decided to club all of these high-end smartphones into a table and list out all the important specifications, so that it is easy to compare. Some of these handsets are currently on sale in India, whereas others are yet to launch but worth keeping an eye out for.

Since these are just the specifications, we would advise not to make your buying decision solely based on them, but also have a hands-on with the phone or read/watch online reviews before committing to any of them.
This table is only for high-end phones but we may even come up with a similar one for mid-range and low-end Android phones too. Do let us know what you think about this chart, if it requires any additions or if you spot any errors.

Click on the image to view it in full size. If you are unable to view the image above, click here.

Please note that we are constantly updating the image above to correct any errors or add extra parameters as we come across them. Hence, we would advise not to save the image on your computer.
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