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Airtel and Aircel will launch the iPhone 4 in India in the coming months

Written By AbhiShek Kap!L on Monday, 11 April 2011 | 14:03

Both Airtel and Aircel are set to launch the iPhone 4 in India at some point “in the coming months”, it has surfaced today. There are no other details at the moment, no actual release dates to speak of, just that very vague time frame. It does however seem reasonably clear that the launch will happen this year. Other than that, anything’s possible.
Consider that Airtel isn’t announcing that it will release the iPhone 4 for the first time. It has also done so in July of last year, and back then, its CEO claimed that Airtel will have the iPhone 4 in stores in September or October. Of 2010. Yeah, that never happened. Which may be among the reasons for the vague time frame given this time. Still, why announce this at all right now? Who knows.
So. At some point, probably this year, you’ll be able to buy an iPhone 4 from Airtel and Aircel in India. Yes, it’s entirely possible that by then Apple has already released the iPhone 5, but… it’s always been like this in India. For some reason, Apple likes to simply ignore one of the biggest mobile markets in the world. Make of that what you wish.
On a slightly related note, how funny is it to have two carriers called Aircel and Airtel in the same country? Just imagine having Vodafone and Vodaphone (in a nod to those who still don’t know how to spell this brand name even today, clearly), or, perhaps in The Netherlands, Oranje and Orange? Just plain odd, but arguably in a very funny way.
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