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Honda to launch a 1.6L or 1.8L diesel for Civic, Accord and CR-V

Written By AbhiShek Kap!L on Wednesday, 30 March 2011 | 19:04

Better late than never. Finally Honda has decided to manufacture a new diesel engine which will power their luxury cars Civic, Accord and CR-V. Having manufactured just one diesel engine till date, the 2.4L which powered Accord, Honda did not miss diesel technology as they were probably happy with their popularity in manufacturing petrol engines.
But times have changed. Customers today no longer believe that diesel powered cars are too different from their petrol counterparts. Instead diesel cars are more in demand than petrol cars today. This has forced the Japanese car maker to launch a new diesel engine for their luxury sedans and SUV.
Mr David Hodgetts, MD, Honda UK, explained in an interview with Fleet News, that Honda will be launching their new diesel engine once their new Civic completes one year on road. So we can expect the new Honda diesel engine to be launched somewhere in 2013.
No confirmation is available on whether Honda will be bringing this diesel engine to India. But, if we look at the exponential growth of the Indian auto industry, Honda will desperately want to launch diesel powered cars in India.
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