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Plastic-Free Living full Guide green environment artical by Beth Terry

Written By AbhiShek Kap!L on Friday, 25 February 2011 | 12:14

Do you think it’s possible to live life without plastic? Or to at least live with less plastic?  Check out this list of plastic-free alternatives and see for yourself.
My name is Beth Terry, and I don’t buy new plastic. What does that mean? It means refusing foods in single-use packaging; finding personal care products that are not packaged in plastic; looking for secondhand electronics and other durable products rather than buying new, or repairing the things I already have. And it means not eating food from plastic containers because of the toxic chemicals that can leach from them.
Over the last three years, I’ve discovered many plastic-free methods and alternatives. This list is not meant to be overwhelming but simply to give an idea of what is possible. Choose a few that seem doable and that will make the most impact. No one can do it all at once. But we can all get started!
If you still have questions after looking over this list, search the blog for more plastic-free ideas, or contact me directly. You can also subscribe My Plastic-free Life for regular blog updates. And if you like what you see here, please use the email link above to forward this list on to the people you love. We can all make a difference.


  1. Carry reusable shopping bags.
      Carry whatever works for you. Some people like reusable canvas totes. Others prefer to put their purchases into a backpack or messenger bag. Do you often forget your reusable bags? ChicoBags are a great emergency alternative. While they are made from synthetic materials, they compress into their own attached stuff sack, which makes them very convenient and likely to be used. I carry several of them in my purse so I am never without a bag. If you have a car, keep your grocery bags in it and remember to bring them into the store with you! And one more thing: reusable bags are not just for groceries! Carry them for all your purchases, from electronics to clothing.
  2. Give up bottled water.
      Not only does it come in a plastic bottle, but tremendous resources are used to extract, bottle, and ship it. And many brands of bottled water are simply filtered tap water. Get a reusable stainless steel bottle (like Klean Kanteen) or stainless steel travel mug, fill it up with tap water before leaving the house, and refill it wherever you happen to be. I don’t recommend reusable plastic or aluminum bottles. Plastic may leach chemicals into the water and aluminum bottles are lined with an epoxy resin, some of which has also found to leach into water depending on the brand. Why take a chance? Read my posts about bottled water for more information.

  4. Shop your local farmers market
      Farmers markets are a great way to buy fresh, local produce without plastic, as long as you remember to bring your own bags. Normally, the fruits and vegetables at farmers markets don’t even have those little plastic stickers on them. Read more about farmers markets going plastic-free.
  5. Say no to plastic produce bags.
      They are generally unnecessary. What are we worried about? That our apples won’t get along with our broccoli during the trip home? Or is it that the produce will get dirty? Hey, it grew in the dirt, and we’re going to wash it anyway, right? I put produce directly into my reusable bag, whether I’m at the farmers market or in the grocery store.
  6. Buy from bulk bins as often as possible.
      We have some great bulk food stores here in the Bay Area (RainbowBerkeley Bowl,Whole Foods, for example) and I can get almost all dry foods as well as some personal care products from the bulk bins. These foods include rice and other grains, pasta, beans, seeds, nuts, all kinds of flour, baking soda and other dry baking ingredients, cereal and granola, pretzels and chips, some candy, tofu, oils, nut butters, olives, herbs, tea & coffee, and more things than I can think of right now.
      The key is bringing my own reusable bags and containers with me to the store. You can carry the same kind of cotton bags for bulk purchases as for produce (see above.) Glass jars and other containers work great as well. Why shop from bulk bins and take new plastic bags?
      A question I am frequently asked is how to avoid paying for the additional weight of the container. Stores have various methods for deducting the container weight. At Whole Foods, for example, I take my containers to the customer service desk to have them weighed before filling. That weight is then deducted from the total weight of the item at the checkout counter. At Berkeley Bowl, empty containers are weighed at the Bulk Counter and then weighed again at the same counter when full before checking out. At Rainbow Grocery, customers weigh their own containers. And all the cotton bags that I use are printed with the tare weight on their tags.
      Even if you live in an area that does not have bulk food stores, you can still buy non-perishable goods in large size packages, which will decrease the amount of plastic used overall.
  7. Cut out sodas, juices, and all other plastic-bottled beverages.
      I’ve made the decision to eat fresh fruit instead of buying juice. This eliminates the need for all disposable bottles — glass as well as plastic. I don’t drink sugary sodas, but I do like seltzer water. Especially in the summer. So I got a Soda Stream Penguin soda makerfor those times I crave some fizz. The soda maker itself is plastic, but the carafes are glass, and the soda maker replaces hundreds of disposable bottles. What’s more, the reusable CO2 cartridges are returned to the manufacturer for refilling.
  8. Buy fresh bread that comes in either paper bags or no bags.
      At the farmers market or natural food stores I can buy bread that comes in only paper. At the bakery down the street, I can have my bread placed in my own cloth bag and avoid all packaging. Bread keeps fresh when stored in the cloth bag inside an airtight tin. I reuse a popcorn tin that was sent to me as a gift several years ago. Often, thrift stores have more of these tins than they know what to do with. Fresh bread is a bit more expensive than its plastic-packaged cousins, but to me, it’s worth it. And since I buy so few new things, I can afford to spend more for quality, plastic-free food. See my post Fresh Bread: Buy It, Store It, Keep It Fresh Without Plastic.
  9. Return containers for berries, cherry tomatoes, etc. to the farmer’s market to be reused.
      One reader asked what I do about cherry tomatoes or berries since they can get crushed in reusable bag. I buy them at the farmer’s market in the green plastic basket and then return it to the farmer each week for a refill, so I never have to take new ones. Don’t have a farmers market nearby? Ask your local grocer to take them back. Or empty your berries into your own container before leaving the store and leave the plastic basket behind. If enough of us do this, perhaps merchants will take note.
  10. Bring your own container for meat and prepared foods
      I take my own containers with me to the butcher counter at Whole Foods or local butcher shop. (While the humans in our house don’t each much meat, the kitties do.) The butcher can weigh the container and deduct the weight, just as is done with bulk foods. The servers at the deli/prepared foods counter can do the same thing. Just ask.
  11. Choose milk in returnable glass bottles.
      Many areas have local dairies that provides milk in returnable glass bottles rather than plastic or plastic-coated cardboard (yes, all cardboard milk containers are coated inside and out with plastic, not wax.) In my area, I buy Straus milk, which is available in natural grocery stores. Unfortunately, the milk bottle does contain an unrecyclable plastic cap. But I would rather buy milk in a glass bottle capped with plastic than milk contained in plastic on all sides.
  12. Try to choose only wine bottled in glass with natural cork stoppers.
      This is kind of a trial and error project since you can’t see the stopper until you open the bottle. I started keeping a list of wines and the types of stoppers they have for future reference, and then I quit updating the list when I stopped drinking! If you haven’t already, please read this post about endangered cork forests and why it’s important to support them by choosing natural cork over plastic stoppers or metal screw caps (which contain BPA in the lining.)
  13. Let go of frozen convenience foods.
      This was a hard one. I agonized for a while over which brands of frozen meals used the best containers, but in the end there was just no sound alternative. They all use plastic. Even frozen food trays that seem to be made of cardboard are lined with plastic. The more we limit our consumption of frozen convenience foods, the less plastic waste we’ll generate and the healthier we’ll be!
  14. Give up chewing gum.

  16. Carry your own containers for take out food and leftovers.
      Request take out places use your container instead of their disposable one. If they won’t do it, give them a Take Out Without card to help them understand why they should. Some examples of convenient containers are:
  17. Carry a stainless steel travel mug at all times for coffee and other drinks while out in the world.
      (I even use mine for water instead of a water bottle.) Besides the plastic lid and plastic straw, paper cups are lined with a plastic coating. When I first began this project, I got in the habit of requesting “no lid and no straw” when ordering a drink in a disposable paper cup. But nowadays, if I’ve forgotten my mug, I simply do without until I can find a water fountain or sit-down cafe or restaurant with durable cups and glasses. This process helps me to remember my reusable mug next time.
  18. Carry reusable utensils and glass drinking straws.
  19. When ordering pizza, say no to the little plastic “table” in the middle of the pizza box.
      It’s called a “package saver.” Think about it. A single use plastic device meant to save a single use cardboard box. What about all the marine animals that swallow that type of disposable plastic? It doesn’t save them, does it? When ordering, say, “Please don’t put that little white plastic thing in the middle of the pizza.” They’ll know what you mean.
  20. Treat yourself to an ice cream cone.
      Instead of keeping containers of ice cream in the freezer, I will enjoy the occasional ice cream cone while I’m out. That keeps my ice cream consumption down, which is better for my health, and it also does away with the plastic-lined containers as well. Ice cream cones require zero container or utensil waste. If I do want to bring some home, I can have my ice cream handpacked in my own container.

  22. Bring plate, bowl, glass, and utensils to keep at the office.
      This way, I can avoid all the disposable cups, plates, and cutlery in the lunchroom.
  23. Carry lunches in reusable stainless containers or cloth bags.
      A few examples of good lunch container options are:
  24. Choose reusable cloth sandwich/snack bags. Read about the many reusable cloth lunch baggie options here. One of my favorite brands is Graze organic cotton snack/sandwich bags.

  26. Choose glass/stainless steel food storage containers, and reuse what you have.
      We save nearly all glass jars and bottles for purchasing bulk foods and for storing leftovers in the refrigerator or even the freezer. When we run out of jars, we store leftovers in bowls with saucers on top instead of plastic wrap. Bowls with saucers are great for stacking. We also use Anchor glass refrigerator containers to store daily portions of our homemade cat food. More on that below. The key to freezing foods in glass is not to fill the jar too full, since the food will expand inside the container. The other caveat is not to heat the glass too quickly. Let foods thaw at room temperature to avoid glass breakage.
      Another option for the refrigerator or freezer are the flat-topped airtight stainless steel containers from Life Without Plastic. Their flat top makes them easy to stack and the fact that they are airtight means food can be stored longer.
  27. Store foods without freezing. Read about how to avoid freezer bags by canning foods in glass jars or dehydrating produce to keep through the winter.
  28. Avoid non-stick cookware.
      Cookware coated with Teflon or other resins give off toxic perfluorochemicals when heated. We’ve donated all of our non-stick cookware and replaced it with stainless steel and cast iron. I did question whether it was better to donate these unhealthy items or to trash them. In the end, I figured that if someone was looking for non-stick, they’d buy it anyway whether I donated or not.
  29. Choose a stainless steel ice cube tray.
      If your old plastic ice trays have worn out, consider replacing them with stainless steel.
  30. Use stainless steel popsicle molds.
      If you and your children enjoy popsicles in the summertime, consider investing a stainless steel popsicle mold instead of buying packaged frozen treats or using plastic or silicone popsicle molds.

  32. Make your own yogurt without a yogurt maker!.
      It’s easier than you might think, using only a Thermos, a pot, a thermometer, some milk, and some yogurt from a previous batch. (Your first batch can be store-bought.) See recipe and instructions here.
  33. Make your own soy milk.
      If you regularly drink soy or nut milks, you can learn to make your own, either with a soy milk maker or on the stove. All prepared soy milk cartons contain plastic.
  34. Make your own condiments.
      Most are not difficult. I’ve learned to make my own chocolate syrupmayonnaise,mustard, and I plan to make my own ketchup once the store-bought ketchup is gone. I squeeze fresh lemon and lime juice and keep it in glass jars in the refrigerator. And we make our own hummus, either from dried chick peas or from the dry mix in the bulk bin at Whole Foods.
      While it’s true that some of these condiments can be purchased in glass containers, the homemade versions often taste better and involve less packaging waste overall.
  35. Make your own snacks.
      You don’t have to give up crackers, energy bars, and other snacks that come packaged in plastic if you learn to make them yourself. Read about my friend Katie’s awesome e-book, Healthy Snacks To Go.

  37. Compost food waste.
      I bought a 100% recycled plastic Urban Compost Tumbler, and started composting. This solves several plastic problems. First, since we no longer put wet stuff in the garbage, we don’t need plastic garbage bags of any kind (bio- or petro-based.) And I can mix the compost with soil from the yard to pot my houseplants and avoid buying potting soil in plastic bags.
      Lately, though, I have not had the time or energy to maintain my compost bin. But here in Oakland (as well as Berkeley and San Francisco) we have city-wide composting. We can put all of our food scraps (including meat) and food-soiled paper, along with yard waste, into our green bins. It’s then picked up with our garbage and taken to a commercial compost facility where our food scraps are converted into rich soil amendments for residents and local farms.

  39. Clean with vinegar and water. I use a mixture of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water as an all-purpose spray cleaner (storing it in a reused spray bottle) and produce wash. I buy Spectrum vinegar which comes in a glass bottle. Only the cap is plastic.
  40. Baking soda is a fantastic scouring powder.
  41. Use powdered dishwasher detergent in a cardboard box.
  42. Hand wash dishes without plastic.
    • Use baking soda or bar soap. Seriously, I’ve been using baking soda to hand wash dishes for several months now. It scours well and leaves dishes feeling squeaky clean.
    • For really tough baked-on messes, I use a Chore Boy copper scrubber, which comes in a cardboard box with no plastic.
  43. Use natural cleaning cloths and scrubbers instead of plastic scrubbers and synthetic sponges:
    • Compressed natural cellulose sponges are often sold without any plastic packaging because they don’t need to be kept moist; they expand when wet.
    • Coconut coir brushes are great for cleaning water bottles and scrubbing dirty dishes.
    • Skoy cloths are made from cotton and cellulose, work like a cloth, absorb like a sponge, and can take the place of 15 rolls of paper towels.
    • And of course, good old rags made from old clothing and towels are free and probably the greenest option of all.
  44. Wash laundry with soapnuts or laundry powders without a plastic scoop.
  45. A reusable Swiffer cloth is great for those of us who already own a Swiffer mop. If you don’t know what a Swiffer is, don’t worry about it. It’s plastic and you don’t need one. But if you already own a Swiffer mop, check out the reusable Swiffer cloths from Picnic Basket Crafts.
  46. Use natural rubber gloves.
      When I needed a pair of rubber gloves (for some disgusting task — I can’t remember what) I opted for Casabella 100% latex gloves lined with 100% cotton flocking. Yeah, they’re girlie. But at least I didn’t have to buy plastic.

  48. Check labels of personal care products!.
      Did you know some facial scrubs and other personal care products contain tiny plastic beads? Avoid anything with “polyethylene” listed as an ingredient. Read my postFlushing Plastic Down The Drain! for more information.
  49. Use bar soap instead of liquid hand soap.
      People sometimes worry that sharing a bar of soap is less sanitary than sharing a bottle of liquid soap. But think about it: the bar soap gets rinsed off every time you use it. The plastic pump? Not so much. Where do you think the most germs are accumulating?
  50. Give up shampoo in plastic bottles.
  51. Baking soda is the best deodorant EVER.
      Instead of deodorant in a plastic container, I use baking soda applied to dry underarms with a powder puff. It works better than any commercial deodorant I have ever used. Seriously. If you don’t think baking soda deo is your thing, you could try a Lush solid container-free deodorant. But honestly? Try the baking soda first. No kidding. I would use it even if I weren’t trying to cut down my plastic consumption.
  52. Use soap instead of canned shave cream.
      There are shave soaps especially made for that purpose (SimmonsWilliams) but I’ve found that any rich soap bar will do.
  53. Choose lotions and lip balms in plastic-free containers.
      Recently, I discovered a new company called Organic Essence which is packaging its body lotions in compostable cardboard jars and its lip balms in ingenious cardboard tubes that squeeze from the end. There are also lotion bars and lip balms and glosses that come in glass or metal containers. And I’ve also made my own homemade lotion, but now that Organic Essence is using responsible packaging, I’ll leave the lotion-making to them.
  54. Switch from a plastic razor to a second hand safety razor.
  55. Use a Preserve toothbrush & homemade tooth powder or toothpaste in aluminum tube.
      Preserve toothbrushes are made from recycled plastic and are recyclable by sending them back to the company. I tried brushing with baking soda but found it too abrasive, so actually went back to toothpaste in a tube. Right now, I’m choosing Tom’s of Maine toothpaste which comes in an aluminum tube (albeit with plastic cap) and can be recycled. The tube does have its drawbacks. But I try to use a tiny amount each time to make it last. More info on low plastic dental care here.
  56. Olive oil lube!
      At least one doctor thinks it’s a healthy alternative to synthetic personal lubricants. But be aware the oil-based lubes don’t play well with latex.
  57. Choose toilet paper that’s not wrapped in plastic.
      Seventh Generation recycled individually wrapped toilet paper can be ordered by the case through Amazon.com. It comes in a cardboard box without any plastic wrapping.
  58. Use plastic-free feminine hygiene products:
    • Choose washable cloth liners and pads. One great brand is Luna Pads, which are made with organic cotton. Or search for cloth + menstrual + pads on Etsy.com. Remember to ask the seller to ship with no plastic packaging.
    • Some women prefer the Diva Cup, which can be washed and reinserted.
  59. Look into plastic-free sunscreen options.
      I have extremely fair skin, and therefore I do use sunscreen in a plastic tube during those times when my skin is going to be exposed. But keeping to the shade during the middle of the day and wearing longer sleeves and a hat when the sun is out helps me minimize the need for sunscreen. Several readers have offered other options. Check out my May 7, 2010 post and especially the comments for plastic-free sunscreen alternatives.
  60. Choose a plastic-free wooden brush. Read about my new plastic-free wooden hairbrush with wooden bristles here.

  62. Find Do-It-Yourself alternatives for over-the-counter remedies.
  63. TRAVEL

    Before I get into plastic-free ways to travel, I want to state that I am aware of the huge environmental impact of travel in the first place. Air travel especially contributes to global warming. But this blog is about plastic and reducing plastic waste. If you choose to travel, there are steps you can take to minimize the waste that you generate.
  64. Bring your own water bottle — even on the plane!
      Many people don’t know it’s actually fine to bring your own water on a plane. You just can’t bring water through airport security. So what do you do? Bring an empty water bottle through security and fill it up at the drinking fountain on the other side. It’s really okay. In fact, it’s what musician Jackson Browne does!
  65. Bring your own snacks.
      Avoid plastic-packaged food. Bring your own sandwiches or containers of fruit, cut veggies, trail mix, or other snacks. But avoid liquid or semi-solid foods when flying.
  66. Bring your own utensils.
      Why should traveling be any different than staying at home? If you’re remembering to bring your own utensils while at home, don’t forget them when you go away.
  67. Bring your own travel mug.
      I’ve traveled to many different states in the U.S. and never had a problem getting my mug filled. In fact, most cafes these days will give a discount for bringing your own mug. And your mug can come in handy in hotels that provide plastic or Styrofoam cups in the room instead of real glasses.
  68. Don’t forget your headphones.
      When flying, bring your own headphones. Most planes will offer you new headphones in plastic packaging, but you won’t need those if you come prepared with your own.
  69. Bring your own personal care products.
      Skip the free travel size shampoos, soaps, and lotions offered by hotels. Just because they’re free doesn’t mean we should take them. What is the true cost of “free” when the environment is at stake? Instead, fill up your own reusable travel- size containers at home. If you’re not checking baggage, make sure they fit in your regulation zip lock bag (U.S. residents).
  70. Refuse the mini bar.
      Mini bar snacks and drinks are incredibly expensive. And they all come in plastic packages or bottles. Find real food to eat. Do a little grocery shopping when you reach your destination and stock your hotel room with healthy snacks in less packaging. Even if you can’t avoid plastic entirely, you can resist single-serving sizes.

  72. SwheatScoop cat litter is made from wheat and comes in a paper bag.
      My cats don’t like it as well as World’s Best Cat Litter, but I am combining the two right now and hoping to switch them over completely to Swheatscoop this year. We also don’t have to deal with putting cat waste into plastic bags because SwheatScoop is certified flushable. We feel okay about flushing our cats’ poop because they’ve tested negative for toxoplasma gondii and they are indoor-only cats.
  73. Choose pet toys/furniture made from natural materials instead of plastic.
    • Purrfect Play makes beautiful all-natural toys made from wool and catnip.
    • I’ve also found all natural wool, leather, coconut, and feather cat toys at my local pet shop recently.
    • But the best cat toys of all? Wine corks, hands down. The real ones, of course. I don’t let my cats play with plastic.
    • We found a bamboo/sisal scratching post instead of synthetic carpet
    • Cardboard cat scratchers are great
    • This natural wood/sisal over-door climber is very sturdy and doesn’t contain any synthetic chemicals that can off gas into our home our the bodies of our pets.
    • Our most economical cat climber? We cleared off most of the flat surfaces in our home (tops of book shelves, etc.) so that our cats could roam and climb to their hearts’ content.
  74. Avoid plastic bowls. Did you know plastic food/water bowls cause pet acne?
  75. Buy secondhand pet supplies instead of new.
      We found our cat litter boxes and plastic cat carrier boxes through Craigslist and from thrift stores. They are plastic. But they are not new plastic!
  76. Learn to make homemade pet food without much plastic.
      We make our cat food from scratch instead of buying BPA-lined cans that come shrink-wrapped in plastic or dry pet food in bags lined with plastic. Our recipe does include a supplement powder that comes in a plastic bottle, but it lasts two months. Read more about our less plastic homemade cat food here.

  78. When a plastic item breaks, try to repair it instead of buying a new one.
      I’m trying to conserve as many of the tools and appliances that I already own instead of allowing them to become obsolete or chucking them when they break.
  79. BUY IT USED!

  80. Acquire necessary plastic items from second-hand stores, FreecycleCraigslist orborrow.
      Car-sharingTool-lending. I have no problem acquiring second-hand plastic. I think it’s always good to give things as many uses as possible before sending them to the landfill or recycling center. I also look for items made from recycled plastic, for the same reason. Here’s a partial list of plastic items I’ve acquired second hand since my plastic project began:
    • Plastic cat litter boxes and cat carriers
    • Computer monitor when my old one broke and couldn’t be repaired
    • Crock pot
    • Power strips

  82. Request zero plastic packaging when ordering online.
      I’m trying to buy fewer things in general, but vendors do sometimes send me products to review for this blog. When that happens, I include a message to the seller requesting zero plastic or Styrofoam packaging, including plastic tape. (See my packaging policyhere.) When this doesn’t work, I’ve started to send back unwanted plastic packaging with a letter of explanation. And I send back unwanted plastic I receive unsolicited in the mail or on my doorstep.  Here are some examples of innovative zero waste packing materials:*Reused packing materials from packages sent to you. Before buying new packaging material, use what you already have. * Yesterday’s News padded mailers made from recycled newspaper fiber * Jiffy padded mailers (the kind with paper pulp padding rather than plastic bubble padding) * Paper packing tapeMolded paper pulpEcoCradle molded packing material made from mushrooms * PaperNutsCushion cubesGeami protective wrapExpandos
    Read more about plastic-free packaging materials here.
  83. Get off mailing lists to reduce plastic envelope windows.
      I have switched to online billing, online statements, canceled subscriptions, and called to have my name removed from mailing lists. I want to save paper as well as plastic.

  85. Avoid disposable plastic pens.
      I use pencils as much as possible and for times when a pen is necessary, I have switched to a refillable fountain pen with a cartridge converter that allows me to refill the pen from a bottle of ink rather than buying new plastic cartridges.

  87. Avoid buying CDs and DVDs.
      They are made from polycarbonate plastic, after all. Instead, I download music when I want it and borrow DVDs from Netflix or the library.
  88. Choose healthier electronics.
      Try to find electronics secondhand rather than buying new plastic, but when you do have to buy new electronic gadgets, choose those that have the least packaging and toxic materials. For example, thinksound headphones are PVC-free, made from wood, and come packaged with almost no plastic.
  89. Find ways to wrap gifts without plastic tape.

    So much new clothing these days is made from synthetic materials with names like: polyester, acrylic, lycra, spandex, nylon. In other words, plastic fabric.
  91. Choose natural fibers. When buying new clothes, I look for organic cotton, hemp, ethically-raised wool, and other natural fibers. I avoid conventional cotton because of pesticides used to grow it. Sometimes the best place to find these materials is online. One of my favorite sources is Hempest.com. Just be sure and request no plastic packaging when placing your order.
  92. Shop thrift stores. Buying gently-used secondhand clothing and shoes is a good way to get the styles you want without buying new plastic — except of course for that inevitable tag hanger! It’s also a lot less expensive than buying new.
  93. Make your own clothes. Um… as someone who is afraid of the sewing machine, I can’t really elaborate on this one. But I know a lot of you crafty crafters are up for it. Be sure and choose natural fabrics.
  94. Look for plastic-free shoes. For example, Feelgoodz flip flops are made from natural rubber rather than plastic.
  95. Choose ethical underwear. You may not be able to find underwear that is completely plastic-free, but look for styles/brands that contain a high percentage of natural fibers. I like PACT organic underwear because they are made from 95% organic cotton, are packaged in compostable bags, and support non-profit organizations.

  97. Stop buying plastic water filter cartridges unless necessary.
      We had our water tested to find out if we even needed to be filtering it in the first place. Turns out, our Oakland water is fine without a filter. So we can avoid plastic water filter cartridges from now on. For those who do need to filter their water, Brita has teamed up with Preserve to create a way to recycle the plastic cartridges. Here are the details:http://www.brita.com/us/support/filter-recycling/
  98. Buy CFL lightbulbs in a cardboard box with no plastic packaging.
      I found GE CFLs at Ace Hardware in a 5-pack box. There isn’t even a plastic window!

  100. Avoid the worst plastics: Polyvinyl Chloride (#3 PVC), Polystyrene (#6 PS), & Polycarbonate (#7 Other).
      PVC is found in many, many products and causes a whole host of environmental problems. Read my post about the problems of PVC. PS contains styrene, which is toxic to the brain and nervous system. PC contains BPA. Read more about BPA here. If you must use plastic, make sure it’s not #3, #6, or #7 polycarbonate. (Note: #7 is a catch-all for many types of plastic that doesn’t fit into the first six categories. Biodegradable plastic is also labeled #7. So when in doubt, ask.)

Plastic-Free Living full Guide green environment artical by Beth Terry

Do you think it’s possible to live life without plastic? Or to at least live with less plastic?  Check out this list of plastic-free alternatives and see for yourself.
My name is Beth Terry, and I don’t buy new plastic. What does that mean? It means refusing foods in single-use packaging; finding personal care products that are not packaged in plastic; looking for secondhand electronics and other durable products rather than buying new, or repairing the things I already have. And it means not eating food from plastic containers because of the toxic chemicals that can leach from them.
Over the last three years, I’ve discovered many plastic-free methods and alternatives. This list is not meant to be overwhelming but simply to give an idea of what is possible. Choose a few that seem doable and that will make the most impact. No one can do it all at once. But we can all get started!
If you still have questions after looking over this list, search the blog for more plastic-free ideas, or contact me directly. You can also subscribe My Plastic-free Life for regular blog updates. And if you like what you see here, please use the email link above to forward this list on to the people you love. We can all make a difference.


  1. Carry reusable shopping bags.
      Carry whatever works for you. Some people like reusable canvas totes. Others prefer to put their purchases into a backpack or messenger bag. Do you often forget your reusable bags? ChicoBags are a great emergency alternative. While they are made from synthetic materials, they compress into their own attached stuff sack, which makes them very convenient and likely to be used. I carry several of them in my purse so I am never without a bag. If you have a car, keep your grocery bags in it and remember to bring them into the store with you! And one more thing: reusable bags are not just for groceries! Carry them for all your purchases, from electronics to clothing.
  2. Give up bottled water.
      Not only does it come in a plastic bottle, but tremendous resources are used to extract, bottle, and ship it. And many brands of bottled water are simply filtered tap water. Get a reusable stainless steel bottle (like Klean Kanteen) or stainless steel travel mug, fill it up with tap water before leaving the house, and refill it wherever you happen to be. I don’t recommend reusable plastic or aluminum bottles. Plastic may leach chemicals into the water and aluminum bottles are lined with an epoxy resin, some of which has also found to leach into water depending on the brand. Why take a chance? Read my posts about bottled water for more information.

  4. Shop your local farmers market
      Farmers markets are a great way to buy fresh, local produce without plastic, as long as you remember to bring your own bags. Normally, the fruits and vegetables at farmers markets don’t even have those little plastic stickers on them. Read more about farmers markets going plastic-free.
  5. Say no to plastic produce bags.
      They are generally unnecessary. What are we worried about? That our apples won’t get along with our broccoli during the trip home? Or is it that the produce will get dirty? Hey, it grew in the dirt, and we’re going to wash it anyway, right? I put produce directly into my reusable bag, whether I’m at the farmers market or in the grocery store.
  6. Buy from bulk bins as often as possible.
      We have some great bulk food stores here in the Bay Area (RainbowBerkeley Bowl,Whole Foods, for example) and I can get almost all dry foods as well as some personal care products from the bulk bins. These foods include rice and other grains, pasta, beans, seeds, nuts, all kinds of flour, baking soda and other dry baking ingredients, cereal and granola, pretzels and chips, some candy, tofu, oils, nut butters, olives, herbs, tea & coffee, and more things than I can think of right now.
      The key is bringing my own reusable bags and containers with me to the store. You can carry the same kind of cotton bags for bulk purchases as for produce (see above.) Glass jars and other containers work great as well. Why shop from bulk bins and take new plastic bags?
      A question I am frequently asked is how to avoid paying for the additional weight of the container. Stores have various methods for deducting the container weight. At Whole Foods, for example, I take my containers to the customer service desk to have them weighed before filling. That weight is then deducted from the total weight of the item at the checkout counter. At Berkeley Bowl, empty containers are weighed at the Bulk Counter and then weighed again at the same counter when full before checking out. At Rainbow Grocery, customers weigh their own containers. And all the cotton bags that I use are printed with the tare weight on their tags.
      Even if you live in an area that does not have bulk food stores, you can still buy non-perishable goods in large size packages, which will decrease the amount of plastic used overall.
  7. Cut out sodas, juices, and all other plastic-bottled beverages.
      I’ve made the decision to eat fresh fruit instead of buying juice. This eliminates the need for all disposable bottles — glass as well as plastic. I don’t drink sugary sodas, but I do like seltzer water. Especially in the summer. So I got a Soda Stream Penguin soda makerfor those times I crave some fizz. The soda maker itself is plastic, but the carafes are glass, and the soda maker replaces hundreds of disposable bottles. What’s more, the reusable CO2 cartridges are returned to the manufacturer for refilling.
  8. Buy fresh bread that comes in either paper bags or no bags.
      At the farmers market or natural food stores I can buy bread that comes in only paper. At the bakery down the street, I can have my bread placed in my own cloth bag and avoid all packaging. Bread keeps fresh when stored in the cloth bag inside an airtight tin. I reuse a popcorn tin that was sent to me as a gift several years ago. Often, thrift stores have more of these tins than they know what to do with. Fresh bread is a bit more expensive than its plastic-packaged cousins, but to me, it’s worth it. And since I buy so few new things, I can afford to spend more for quality, plastic-free food. See my post Fresh Bread: Buy It, Store It, Keep It Fresh Without Plastic.
  9. Return containers for berries, cherry tomatoes, etc. to the farmer’s market to be reused.
      One reader asked what I do about cherry tomatoes or berries since they can get crushed in reusable bag. I buy them at the farmer’s market in the green plastic basket and then return it to the farmer each week for a refill, so I never have to take new ones. Don’t have a farmers market nearby? Ask your local grocer to take them back. Or empty your berries into your own container before leaving the store and leave the plastic basket behind. If enough of us do this, perhaps merchants will take note.
  10. Bring your own container for meat and prepared foods
      I take my own containers with me to the butcher counter at Whole Foods or local butcher shop. (While the humans in our house don’t each much meat, the kitties do.) The butcher can weigh the container and deduct the weight, just as is done with bulk foods. The servers at the deli/prepared foods counter can do the same thing. Just ask.
  11. Choose milk in returnable glass bottles.
      Many areas have local dairies that provides milk in returnable glass bottles rather than plastic or plastic-coated cardboard (yes, all cardboard milk containers are coated inside and out with plastic, not wax.) In my area, I buy Straus milk, which is available in natural grocery stores. Unfortunately, the milk bottle does contain an unrecyclable plastic cap. But I would rather buy milk in a glass bottle capped with plastic than milk contained in plastic on all sides.
  12. Try to choose only wine bottled in glass with natural cork stoppers.
      This is kind of a trial and error project since you can’t see the stopper until you open the bottle. I started keeping a list of wines and the types of stoppers they have for future reference, and then I quit updating the list when I stopped drinking! If you haven’t already, please read this post about endangered cork forests and why it’s important to support them by choosing natural cork over plastic stoppers or metal screw caps (which contain BPA in the lining.)
  13. Let go of frozen convenience foods.
      This was a hard one. I agonized for a while over which brands of frozen meals used the best containers, but in the end there was just no sound alternative. They all use plastic. Even frozen food trays that seem to be made of cardboard are lined with plastic. The more we limit our consumption of frozen convenience foods, the less plastic waste we’ll generate and the healthier we’ll be!
  14. Give up chewing gum.

  16. Carry your own containers for take out food and leftovers.
      Request take out places use your container instead of their disposable one. If they won’t do it, give them a Take Out Without card to help them understand why they should. Some examples of convenient containers are:
  17. Carry a stainless steel travel mug at all times for coffee and other drinks while out in the world.
      (I even use mine for water instead of a water bottle.) Besides the plastic lid and plastic straw, paper cups are lined with a plastic coating. When I first began this project, I got in the habit of requesting “no lid and no straw” when ordering a drink in a disposable paper cup. But nowadays, if I’ve forgotten my mug, I simply do without until I can find a water fountain or sit-down cafe or restaurant with durable cups and glasses. This process helps me to remember my reusable mug next time.
  18. Carry reusable utensils and glass drinking straws.
  19. When ordering pizza, say no to the little plastic “table” in the middle of the pizza box.
      It’s called a “package saver.” Think about it. A single use plastic device meant to save a single use cardboard box. What about all the marine animals that swallow that type of disposable plastic? It doesn’t save them, does it? When ordering, say, “Please don’t put that little white plastic thing in the middle of the pizza.” They’ll know what you mean.
  20. Treat yourself to an ice cream cone.
      Instead of keeping containers of ice cream in the freezer, I will enjoy the occasional ice cream cone while I’m out. That keeps my ice cream consumption down, which is better for my health, and it also does away with the plastic-lined containers as well. Ice cream cones require zero container or utensil waste. If I do want to bring some home, I can have my ice cream handpacked in my own container.

  22. Bring plate, bowl, glass, and utensils to keep at the office.
      This way, I can avoid all the disposable cups, plates, and cutlery in the lunchroom.
  23. Carry lunches in reusable stainless containers or cloth bags.
      A few examples of good lunch container options are:
  24. Choose reusable cloth sandwich/snack bags. Read about the many reusable cloth lunch baggie options here. One of my favorite brands is Graze organic cotton snack/sandwich bags.

  26. Choose glass/stainless steel food storage containers, and reuse what you have.
      We save nearly all glass jars and bottles for purchasing bulk foods and for storing leftovers in the refrigerator or even the freezer. When we run out of jars, we store leftovers in bowls with saucers on top instead of plastic wrap. Bowls with saucers are great for stacking. We also use Anchor glass refrigerator containers to store daily portions of our homemade cat food. More on that below. The key to freezing foods in glass is not to fill the jar too full, since the food will expand inside the container. The other caveat is not to heat the glass too quickly. Let foods thaw at room temperature to avoid glass breakage.
      Another option for the refrigerator or freezer are the flat-topped airtight stainless steel containers from Life Without Plastic. Their flat top makes them easy to stack and the fact that they are airtight means food can be stored longer.
  27. Store foods without freezing. Read about how to avoid freezer bags by canning foods in glass jars or dehydrating produce to keep through the winter.
  28. Avoid non-stick cookware.
      Cookware coated with Teflon or other resins give off toxic perfluorochemicals when heated. We’ve donated all of our non-stick cookware and replaced it with stainless steel and cast iron. I did question whether it was better to donate these unhealthy items or to trash them. In the end, I figured that if someone was looking for non-stick, they’d buy it anyway whether I donated or not.
  29. Choose a stainless steel ice cube tray.
      If your old plastic ice trays have worn out, consider replacing them with stainless steel.
  30. Use stainless steel popsicle molds.
      If you and your children enjoy popsicles in the summertime, consider investing a stainless steel popsicle mold instead of buying packaged frozen treats or using plastic or silicone popsicle molds.

  32. Make your own yogurt without a yogurt maker!.
      It’s easier than you might think, using only a Thermos, a pot, a thermometer, some milk, and some yogurt from a previous batch. (Your first batch can be store-bought.) See recipe and instructions here.
  33. Make your own soy milk.
      If you regularly drink soy or nut milks, you can learn to make your own, either with a soy milk maker or on the stove. All prepared soy milk cartons contain plastic.
  34. Make your own condiments.
      Most are not difficult. I’ve learned to make my own chocolate syrupmayonnaise,mustard, and I plan to make my own ketchup once the store-bought ketchup is gone. I squeeze fresh lemon and lime juice and keep it in glass jars in the refrigerator. And we make our own hummus, either from dried chick peas or from the dry mix in the bulk bin at Whole Foods.
      While it’s true that some of these condiments can be purchased in glass containers, the homemade versions often taste better and involve less packaging waste overall.
  35. Make your own snacks.
      You don’t have to give up crackers, energy bars, and other snacks that come packaged in plastic if you learn to make them yourself. Read about my friend Katie’s awesome e-book, Healthy Snacks To Go.

  37. Compost food waste.
      I bought a 100% recycled plastic Urban Compost Tumbler, and started composting. This solves several plastic problems. First, since we no longer put wet stuff in the garbage, we don’t need plastic garbage bags of any kind (bio- or petro-based.) And I can mix the compost with soil from the yard to pot my houseplants and avoid buying potting soil in plastic bags.
      Lately, though, I have not had the time or energy to maintain my compost bin. But here in Oakland (as well as Berkeley and San Francisco) we have city-wide composting. We can put all of our food scraps (including meat) and food-soiled paper, along with yard waste, into our green bins. It’s then picked up with our garbage and taken to a commercial compost facility where our food scraps are converted into rich soil amendments for residents and local farms.

  39. Clean with vinegar and water. I use a mixture of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water as an all-purpose spray cleaner (storing it in a reused spray bottle) and produce wash. I buy Spectrum vinegar which comes in a glass bottle. Only the cap is plastic.
  40. Baking soda is a fantastic scouring powder.
  41. Use powdered dishwasher detergent in a cardboard box.
  42. Hand wash dishes without plastic.
    • Use baking soda or bar soap. Seriously, I’ve been using baking soda to hand wash dishes for several months now. It scours well and leaves dishes feeling squeaky clean.
    • For really tough baked-on messes, I use a Chore Boy copper scrubber, which comes in a cardboard box with no plastic.
  43. Use natural cleaning cloths and scrubbers instead of plastic scrubbers and synthetic sponges:
    • Compressed natural cellulose sponges are often sold without any plastic packaging because they don’t need to be kept moist; they expand when wet.
    • Coconut coir brushes are great for cleaning water bottles and scrubbing dirty dishes.
    • Skoy cloths are made from cotton and cellulose, work like a cloth, absorb like a sponge, and can take the place of 15 rolls of paper towels.
    • And of course, good old rags made from old clothing and towels are free and probably the greenest option of all.
  44. Wash laundry with soapnuts or laundry powders without a plastic scoop.
  45. A reusable Swiffer cloth is great for those of us who already own a Swiffer mop. If you don’t know what a Swiffer is, don’t worry about it. It’s plastic and you don’t need one. But if you already own a Swiffer mop, check out the reusable Swiffer cloths from Picnic Basket Crafts.
  46. Use natural rubber gloves.
      When I needed a pair of rubber gloves (for some disgusting task — I can’t remember what) I opted for Casabella 100% latex gloves lined with 100% cotton flocking. Yeah, they’re girlie. But at least I didn’t have to buy plastic.

  48. Check labels of personal care products!.
      Did you know some facial scrubs and other personal care products contain tiny plastic beads? Avoid anything with “polyethylene” listed as an ingredient. Read my postFlushing Plastic Down The Drain! for more information.
  49. Use bar soap instead of liquid hand soap.
      People sometimes worry that sharing a bar of soap is less sanitary than sharing a bottle of liquid soap. But think about it: the bar soap gets rinsed off every time you use it. The plastic pump? Not so much. Where do you think the most germs are accumulating?
  50. Give up shampoo in plastic bottles.
  51. Baking soda is the best deodorant EVER.
      Instead of deodorant in a plastic container, I use baking soda applied to dry underarms with a powder puff. It works better than any commercial deodorant I have ever used. Seriously. If you don’t think baking soda deo is your thing, you could try a Lush solid container-free deodorant. But honestly? Try the baking soda first. No kidding. I would use it even if I weren’t trying to cut down my plastic consumption.
  52. Use soap instead of canned shave cream.
      There are shave soaps especially made for that purpose (SimmonsWilliams) but I’ve found that any rich soap bar will do.
  53. Choose lotions and lip balms in plastic-free containers.
      Recently, I discovered a new company called Organic Essence which is packaging its body lotions in compostable cardboard jars and its lip balms in ingenious cardboard tubes that squeeze from the end. There are also lotion bars and lip balms and glosses that come in glass or metal containers. And I’ve also made my own homemade lotion, but now that Organic Essence is using responsible packaging, I’ll leave the lotion-making to them.
  54. Switch from a plastic razor to a second hand safety razor.
  55. Use a Preserve toothbrush & homemade tooth powder or toothpaste in aluminum tube.
      Preserve toothbrushes are made from recycled plastic and are recyclable by sending them back to the company. I tried brushing with baking soda but found it too abrasive, so actually went back to toothpaste in a tube. Right now, I’m choosing Tom’s of Maine toothpaste which comes in an aluminum tube (albeit with plastic cap) and can be recycled. The tube does have its drawbacks. But I try to use a tiny amount each time to make it last. More info on low plastic dental care here.
  56. Olive oil lube!
      At least one doctor thinks it’s a healthy alternative to synthetic personal lubricants. But be aware the oil-based lubes don’t play well with latex.
  57. Choose toilet paper that’s not wrapped in plastic.
      Seventh Generation recycled individually wrapped toilet paper can be ordered by the case through Amazon.com. It comes in a cardboard box without any plastic wrapping.
  58. Use plastic-free feminine hygiene products:
    • Choose washable cloth liners and pads. One great brand is Luna Pads, which are made with organic cotton. Or search for cloth + menstrual + pads on Etsy.com. Remember to ask the seller to ship with no plastic packaging.
    • Some women prefer the Diva Cup, which can be washed and reinserted.
  59. Look into plastic-free sunscreen options.
      I have extremely fair skin, and therefore I do use sunscreen in a plastic tube during those times when my skin is going to be exposed. But keeping to the shade during the middle of the day and wearing longer sleeves and a hat when the sun is out helps me minimize the need for sunscreen. Several readers have offered other options. Check out my May 7, 2010 post and especially the comments for plastic-free sunscreen alternatives.
  60. Choose a plastic-free wooden brush. Read about my new plastic-free wooden hairbrush with wooden bristles here.

  62. Find Do-It-Yourself alternatives for over-the-counter remedies.
  63. TRAVEL

    Before I get into plastic-free ways to travel, I want to state that I am aware of the huge environmental impact of travel in the first place. Air travel especially contributes to global warming. But this blog is about plastic and reducing plastic waste. If you choose to travel, there are steps you can take to minimize the waste that you generate.
  64. Bring your own water bottle — even on the plane!
      Many people don’t know it’s actually fine to bring your own water on a plane. You just can’t bring water through airport security. So what do you do? Bring an empty water bottle through security and fill it up at the drinking fountain on the other side. It’s really okay. In fact, it’s what musician Jackson Browne does!
  65. Bring your own snacks.
      Avoid plastic-packaged food. Bring your own sandwiches or containers of fruit, cut veggies, trail mix, or other snacks. But avoid liquid or semi-solid foods when flying.
  66. Bring your own utensils.
      Why should traveling be any different than staying at home? If you’re remembering to bring your own utensils while at home, don’t forget them when you go away.
  67. Bring your own travel mug.
      I’ve traveled to many different states in the U.S. and never had a problem getting my mug filled. In fact, most cafes these days will give a discount for bringing your own mug. And your mug can come in handy in hotels that provide plastic or Styrofoam cups in the room instead of real glasses.
  68. Don’t forget your headphones.
      When flying, bring your own headphones. Most planes will offer you new headphones in plastic packaging, but you won’t need those if you come prepared with your own.
  69. Bring your own personal care products.
      Skip the free travel size shampoos, soaps, and lotions offered by hotels. Just because they’re free doesn’t mean we should take them. What is the true cost of “free” when the environment is at stake? Instead, fill up your own reusable travel- size containers at home. If you’re not checking baggage, make sure they fit in your regulation zip lock bag (U.S. residents).
  70. Refuse the mini bar.
      Mini bar snacks and drinks are incredibly expensive. And they all come in plastic packages or bottles. Find real food to eat. Do a little grocery shopping when you reach your destination and stock your hotel room with healthy snacks in less packaging. Even if you can’t avoid plastic entirely, you can resist single-serving sizes.

  72. SwheatScoop cat litter is made from wheat and comes in a paper bag.
      My cats don’t like it as well as World’s Best Cat Litter, but I am combining the two right now and hoping to switch them over completely to Swheatscoop this year. We also don’t have to deal with putting cat waste into plastic bags because SwheatScoop is certified flushable. We feel okay about flushing our cats’ poop because they’ve tested negative for toxoplasma gondii and they are indoor-only cats.
  73. Choose pet toys/furniture made from natural materials instead of plastic.
    • Purrfect Play makes beautiful all-natural toys made from wool and catnip.
    • I’ve also found all natural wool, leather, coconut, and feather cat toys at my local pet shop recently.
    • But the best cat toys of all? Wine corks, hands down. The real ones, of course. I don’t let my cats play with plastic.
    • We found a bamboo/sisal scratching post instead of synthetic carpet
    • Cardboard cat scratchers are great
    • This natural wood/sisal over-door climber is very sturdy and doesn’t contain any synthetic chemicals that can off gas into our home our the bodies of our pets.
    • Our most economical cat climber? We cleared off most of the flat surfaces in our home (tops of book shelves, etc.) so that our cats could roam and climb to their hearts’ content.
  74. Avoid plastic bowls. Did you know plastic food/water bowls cause pet acne?
  75. Buy secondhand pet supplies instead of new.
      We found our cat litter boxes and plastic cat carrier boxes through Craigslist and from thrift stores. They are plastic. But they are not new plastic!
  76. Learn to make homemade pet food without much plastic.
      We make our cat food from scratch instead of buying BPA-lined cans that come shrink-wrapped in plastic or dry pet food in bags lined with plastic. Our recipe does include a supplement powder that comes in a plastic bottle, but it lasts two months. Read more about our less plastic homemade cat food here.

  78. When a plastic item breaks, try to repair it instead of buying a new one.
      I’m trying to conserve as many of the tools and appliances that I already own instead of allowing them to become obsolete or chucking them when they break.
  79. BUY IT USED!

  80. Acquire necessary plastic items from second-hand stores, FreecycleCraigslist orborrow.
      Car-sharingTool-lending. I have no problem acquiring second-hand plastic. I think it’s always good to give things as many uses as possible before sending them to the landfill or recycling center. I also look for items made from recycled plastic, for the same reason. Here’s a partial list of plastic items I’ve acquired second hand since my plastic project began:
    • Plastic cat litter boxes and cat carriers
    • Computer monitor when my old one broke and couldn’t be repaired
    • Crock pot
    • Power strips

  82. Request zero plastic packaging when ordering online.
      I’m trying to buy fewer things in general, but vendors do sometimes send me products to review for this blog. When that happens, I include a message to the seller requesting zero plastic or Styrofoam packaging, including plastic tape. (See my packaging policyhere.) When this doesn’t work, I’ve started to send back unwanted plastic packaging with a letter of explanation. And I send back unwanted plastic I receive unsolicited in the mail or on my doorstep.  Here are some examples of innovative zero waste packing materials:*Reused packing materials from packages sent to you. Before buying new packaging material, use what you already have. * Yesterday’s News padded mailers made from recycled newspaper fiber * Jiffy padded mailers (the kind with paper pulp padding rather than plastic bubble padding) * Paper packing tapeMolded paper pulpEcoCradle molded packing material made from mushrooms * PaperNutsCushion cubesGeami protective wrapExpandos
    Read more about plastic-free packaging materials here.
  83. Get off mailing lists to reduce plastic envelope windows.
      I have switched to online billing, online statements, canceled subscriptions, and called to have my name removed from mailing lists. I want to save paper as well as plastic.

  85. Avoid disposable plastic pens.
      I use pencils as much as possible and for times when a pen is necessary, I have switched to a refillable fountain pen with a cartridge converter that allows me to refill the pen from a bottle of ink rather than buying new plastic cartridges.

  87. Avoid buying CDs and DVDs.
      They are made from polycarbonate plastic, after all. Instead, I download music when I want it and borrow DVDs from Netflix or the library.
  88. Choose healthier electronics.
      Try to find electronics secondhand rather than buying new plastic, but when you do have to buy new electronic gadgets, choose those that have the least packaging and toxic materials. For example, thinksound headphones are PVC-free, made from wood, and come packaged with almost no plastic.
  89. Find ways to wrap gifts without plastic tape.

    So much new clothing these days is made from synthetic materials with names like: polyester, acrylic, lycra, spandex, nylon. In other words, plastic fabric.
  91. Choose natural fibers. When buying new clothes, I look for organic cotton, hemp, ethically-raised wool, and other natural fibers. I avoid conventional cotton because of pesticides used to grow it. Sometimes the best place to find these materials is online. One of my favorite sources is Hempest.com. Just be sure and request no plastic packaging when placing your order.
  92. Shop thrift stores. Buying gently-used secondhand clothing and shoes is a good way to get the styles you want without buying new plastic — except of course for that inevitable tag hanger! It’s also a lot less expensive than buying new.
  93. Make your own clothes. Um… as someone who is afraid of the sewing machine, I can’t really elaborate on this one. But I know a lot of you crafty crafters are up for it. Be sure and choose natural fabrics.
  94. Look for plastic-free shoes. For example, Feelgoodz flip flops are made from natural rubber rather than plastic.
  95. Choose ethical underwear. You may not be able to find underwear that is completely plastic-free, but look for styles/brands that contain a high percentage of natural fibers. I like PACT organic underwear because they are made from 95% organic cotton, are packaged in compostable bags, and support non-profit organizations.

  97. Stop buying plastic water filter cartridges unless necessary.
      We had our water tested to find out if we even needed to be filtering it in the first place. Turns out, our Oakland water is fine without a filter. So we can avoid plastic water filter cartridges from now on. For those who do need to filter their water, Brita has teamed up with Preserve to create a way to recycle the plastic cartridges. Here are the details:http://www.brita.com/us/support/filter-recycling/
  98. Buy CFL lightbulbs in a cardboard box with no plastic packaging.
      I found GE CFLs at Ace Hardware in a 5-pack box. There isn’t even a plastic window!

  100. Avoid the worst plastics: Polyvinyl Chloride (#3 PVC), Polystyrene (#6 PS), & Polycarbonate (#7 Other).
      PVC is found in many, many products and causes a whole host of environmental problems. Read my post about the problems of PVC. PS contains styrene, which is toxic to the brain and nervous system. PC contains BPA. Read more about BPA here. If you must use plastic, make sure it’s not #3, #6, or #7 polycarbonate. (Note: #7 is a catch-all for many types of plastic that doesn’t fit into the first six categories. Biodegradable plastic is also labeled #7. So when in doubt, ask.)
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